Sunday, November 14, 2010

Book Thief -FINAL ASSIGNMENT- part 1b

Dear diary,

papa got me, you for my birthday. Your so pretty with your white paper just ready for me to fill with my words. I'm so excited I am going to write all my stories in you. Mabye papa will help... We can even write some of his achordian music! Today when I was playing soccer with rudy I scored two goals, in celebration we're going to go to the mayors house again... I need something to help keep me busy. A book would be great, the hardest part is going to be listening to rudy's stomach complaining on the way. That boy is always hungry. If people could eat paper you my dear diary would already be eaten, I'm afraid. Here is a bit of a story I was thinking of writing.

The girl started digging at sunrise. She dug through the day, with her bare hands, never stopping. She kept digging even when here hands were raw and bleeding even when her sisters and brothers begged her to stop. They had enough pain from the war they didn't need this.
For three sunrises and sunsets she didn't stop. Her whole village was asleep when she finished. Light began to shine from the hole she had made. It went all the way to the center of the earth where a little sun was. The golden rays filled the air. The soldjers stopped fighting, the people woke up. The gunfire stopped. All because of this girl had dug deep enough to find hope.

I know it's not very good but it's an idea I had and didn't want to forget. Anyway Rudy's here so I'm going hopefully returning with a new book.

I chose Liesel during this time in her life because she finally became the book thief. Since this Is (you could say) the center of the entire book. It seemed appropriate. Since what happens repeatedly in Leisle's life is stealing books, and generally being passionate about literature, that's where I got my general Idea about the journal topic from.
She of course is vital to the story, because death is the narrator and he was interested in her and her life. Without her this story would not exist.

It's November and just starting to get chilly outside. Yesterday our neighbor's the hubbermann's were basically dragging a girl into their house. She kicked up such a fuss. I didn't really mind though she was kind of pretty. i asked Mama what was going on and she told me the girl was an orphan that the Hubbermanns adopted and that when she started coming to school I should be nice to her. My little brother's asking me if I have anything to eat. He's making me really hungry, talking about cookies and cake... Sigh boy oh boy Am I hungry. I wonder if I go over to the girls house to say hi, they might offer me something to eat.
...No such luck she's making such noise in there I dought they could here me if I yelled at the top of my lungs...
...and I am back. If your wondering where I went I ran outside to play soccer with some kids on my street turns out they heard the screaming nd swearing to. If she ever decides to come out she's in net.

I chose Rudy because in The Book Thief you never got to find out what was going on in his head, I thought it would be fun to see how he thinks. I chose this time because it was the begging of it all. The author didn't go into much detail about what everyone else thought other than Liesle, So I reread the passage and after reading the entire book, knew how Rudy would probably think.

1 comment:

  1. Hi again,

    Writing in role with journal thoughts of significant characters are an excellent way to expand your thinking about the ideas and themes of any story,
    Mrs. B.
