Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Book Thief -FINAL ASSIGNMENT- part 1

I chose this photo because it is the perfect way to show people as best we can what World war one was actually like. Other than the fact that this picture is of a German trench, it relates to the book thief because of Hans Hubbermann. As we all know Hans Hubbermann escaped death in two wars. The author, thank God didn't spend AS much time as he could have describing what Hans went through. Every one says a picture is worth a thousand words. The author could have written a million words describing what Hans and his family AND what all the other people in the war went through. What they have seen but this picture Sums it up as best as any picture could.

A picture can represent a million word and a word can can represent a million pictures but words and pictures can give different perspectives depending on who took the picture or who wrote the words and from your own experience. A picture doesn't leave much room for imagination since it's 'information' is solid and physically there. However if you read a passage describing the scene you create the image with the help of the words. If you read it again and see something you missed your image can change.

I choose this photograph because it reminded me of the Book thief's main character Liesel. I know the girl in this photograph is not blond and liesels clothes (at least how I imagened while reading) were in slightly better shape but putting that aside there are many reasons why I chose this photo.
Before I saw this photo I didn't visualize Liesel looking like this at all, but something about this girls expression struck me. Originally I imagined Lesiel petite, with a light build, and obviously blond hair. However this expression in the photo makes me think that this would be how liesel would look to an utter stranger she saw in the street. Not shy at all looking you straight in the eye. She has a bit of arrogance in her expression. Liesel is a very strong person, and it's very hard to find a photograph where some one would look strong, emotionally. The slight edge of arrogance on this girls expression did the best job out of all the photo's I looked at. Liesel is a young girl and most girls her age don't really know who they are, Liesel did not give me that impression. Maybe because living in this time of war she was forced to grow up quicker than most people. She doesn't radiate confidence but she knows who she is and that is a huge part of her personality. She has known so much sadness and fear in her life, and though I would wish it on no one it made her meet important people who shaped who she is. She is a better person because of them. A stronger person because of her experience.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent pictures, especially the one representing Liesel. You analyzed its impact very well.
    Mrs. B.
